Last week Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed that Apple’s first smartwatch will go on sale in April 2015. So of course the company is updating its retail operations to incorporate an entirely new type of product. A new expensive product. One of the things that will be implemented is the need to store the more expensive models, like the gold Apple Watch Edition, in special safes at Apple retail stores.
These cost a few thousand dollars so that makes sense. 9to5Mac receive some information from sources that Apple retail stores will be fitted with these special safes to secure inventory that’s to be sold as well as demo units from the show floor which will be kept in the safes overnight. You have to protect that bling bling.
It sounds like these safes will have chargers built in so the show floor units are ready to go the next day. Apparently Apple has already installed these safes at many of its stores.
On the other hand, if you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a smartwatch, you can get the Apple Watch Sport models. They all have the glass and aluminum that you know and love from Apple products and they start at $349. Customers can even try them on and play around with them before making the purchase.
Source Ubergizmo
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